Contact & access

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Route de Frasne, 39250 MIGNOVILLARD
tél. +33 (0)3 84 51 35 35

    If your request concerns the purchase of pellets, please visit our website

    The personal information you provide via this form is collected and processed solely by Scierie Chauvin, in accordance with current regulations on the protection of personal data. You can consult our privacy policy here.

    Scierie Chauvin caters exclusively to professionals. It does not sell to individuals under any circumstances.

    As the leading French processor of high-altitude white softwood today, Scierie Chauvin places great importance on satisfying its customers’ requests down to the desired specifics. Knowledge of the territory, the prime quality of fir and spruce, security of supply, certifications and professional guarantees, respect for announced deadlines – all these elements foster a high level of trust in the relationship with professionals.

    For any information or study, please do not hesitate to contact us directly at +33 (0)3 84 51 35 35